Tax ID: 46-4049519 414-269-9820 Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM 4201 N. 27th Street Suite 200W Milwaukee, WI 52316

Roy Rogers

Roy Rogers the Founder and Executive Director of The Onesimus Group Milwaukee (Onesimus Group MKE), a pioneering consulting and solutioning firm dedicated to crafting innovative and unconventional strategies for churches, organizations, and change-makers seeking to engage system-impacted populations in Wisconsin. Roy works for the Marketing Experience company QUAD in a role that provides mentoring and career development support for new hires. He also has over ten years of experience in signage and screen-printing operations, cnc programming techniques and production methods. As a Youth Mental Health First Aide Responder and Certified Prevention Interventionist Roy is committed to the mental wellness of his community especially the youth and lends his hand to initiatives that supports that.